Amazon Rainforest

Amazon Rainforest

domingo, 7 de noviembre de 2010


I was going to do a project about chinampas but my team changed the topic. Even though, I made some research and wanted to publish it.

Aztec Food Production System: Chinampas
•    Inputs:
  o    Vegetation
  o    Mud or Dirt
  o    Irrigation water
  o    Organic rich silt
  o    Household refuse
  o    Seeds
•    Outputs
  o    Mayor cultigens:
     •    Maize
     •    Beans
     •    Squash
     •    Chile
•    Flows and storage
  o    Soil retains minerals.
•    System characteristics or details
  o    Is constructed inside a lake.
  o    Is basically an artificial island.
  o    High moisture levels prevent frosting.
•    Social-cultural concerns
  o    It isn’t used today since Mexico City’s lakes have been drained.
  o    It is very labor intensive.
•    Environmental impact.
  o    Requires the draining of swamps.

Notes on Food Supply

o    So far, food supply has kept pace with human population growth, however t is doubted that if this trend will continue.
o    As we adapt an increasing amount of global NPPP to human needs, use and degrade more land, eat more meat, contaminate more waters, we are getting closer, our planet’s K…we just don’t know what that is yet.
o    There are 1.1 billion people living in poverty---they are increasing and growing hungrier.
o    Annual grain yields per hectare slowed their rate of increase since the Green Revolution.
o    Types of farming systems:
•    Subsistence: provision of food for the farmers and their community with little or no surplus.
•    Commercial: large profit generating scale; yields are maximized; often are monocultures; with high levels of technology, energy, and chemical inputs.


Here are some facts on MEDCs and LEDCs:
o    In many MEDCs the cost of staple food ítems is relatively cheap.
o    Most people make purchases based on taste and preference-
o    Produce seasonality and has mostly disappeared due to globalization.
o    This has also allowed for a greater international variety in most supermarkets.
o    In LEDCs, staple food items may not be always affordable as prices fluctuate.
o    People tend to make purchases based on nutritional need and affordability.
o    Political and economic agendas can affect food production:
•    Cash cropping.
o    Even in food crops are not used as cash crops, food production is still impacted since arable land is being occupied all the same.
o    In the MEDCs, the average caloric content per capita is 3314 calories in the USA it is 3774.
o    In the LEDCs, the average caloric content per capita is 2666 calories. In Eritrea is 1512 calories.
o    The American Association for the Advancement of Science suggests that there is an average of 2790 calories available each day for every human on the planet. That is enough to feed everyone.
o    If food production has kept up with population growth, why are there still so many problems with famine, hunger and malnutrition?
o    Factors to consider
•    Distribution – If MEDCs have an excess of food, can that be shipped to LEDCs, but who will pay for it or do they even want that kind of food’
•    Politics: If excess food is not paid for, is the receiving country now in the debt of the donating country or worse, the donating corporation? What about corrupt governments altering food distribution?